Malia Heron
My name is Malia Heron. I am a lead 2D illustrator at Children Story Time.

I graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design in March 2020 with a major in Illustration with a concentration in Publication Design and a minor in Graphic Design.

Since then I have pursued a career in freelance illustration and graphic design, creating book covers, interior book illustrations, movie posters, logos, tattoo designs, coloring books, t-shirt designs, icons, and pet portraits.

I love using lines in my work to create structure and detail, which is why working with CST has been so much fun because I can use line and stylization to create the cartoon characters, wallpapers, and more. I also enjoy creating vector art for game design assets.
Working with CST has allowed my creativity to grow and flourish and I’m excited to see where this company goes and who all it will reach.

In my spare time I love to hike and climb in the Rocky Mountains with my fiance and our dog. If the weather isn’t great I am content binge watching crime documentaries and cartoons.

Climb in the
Rocky Mountain

Watch Crime


- Name: Malia Heron
- Nickname: Mia
- Favorite Hobby: My spare time is usually spent outdoors climbing and hiking.If I’m not doing that, I am watching TV shows, YouTube, or drawing.
- Favorite Foods: sushi, Nashville chicken, Trader Joe’s pub cheese
- Favorite Game: cards against humanity
- Favorite Video Game: Mario kart
- Favorite Childhood Story: Winnie the Pooh
- Favorite Candy or Dessert: dark chocolate
- Pet’s Name and what kind of pet? Coal, blue heeler/hound mix
- Favorite Characters in a game: Rose gold Peach
- Biggest Pet Peeve: loud chewing
- Spirit/Totem Animal: butterfly
- Favorite color(s): purple, blue
- Favorite Food: sushi
- Favorite Quote: “An artist is an explorer” Henry Matisse
my partner got me into climbing and I love it for several reasons. It is really fun and challenging in many ways. It has made me mentally and physically stronger. It’s also something we really enjoy doing together and especially with lead climbing there is a lot of trust involved, so it’s helped us to communicate and trust that we have each other’s backs.
Watching TV shows is my favorite pastime when I can relax. My favorite kinds of shows are murder mysteries and suspenful thrillers. But I also love adult animation series like Bob’s Burgers, The Simpsons, and Futurama.
My partner is an excellent cook, and he’s inspired me to try new flavors and recipes. I became more interested in bettering my cooking skills and trying out flavors from around the world.
Being outdoors, especially deep in nature, is therapeutic and invigorating for me. It’s so nice to get out and unplug. I’m grateful to live in Colorado where there is no shortage of outdoor opportunities.
This has been a pastime of mine for my whole life and it always will be! I like doodling and sketching and allowing myself to let loose and explore the possibilities of ideas.